Friday, May 30, 2014

Puppy Poses

How early do puppies start taking after their parents? I only ask because its hard to imagine, after these past few days, that the puppies aren't already reflecting their parents a little bit. The last few days have revealed some personality traits of the puppies, some of which seem to be a lot like their parents. One of these in particular is their apparent love of sleeping in precarious positions. You'll see what I mean when in the pictures that follow.
The puppies are getting a lot bigger with every day that passes. They are becoming the typical big-bellied, roly-poly puppies most people expect when they think of young golden retrievers. They have also started poking their heads out of their enclosure, and occasionally even slipping out to crawl around on the floor a little bit. It is a huge relief to me to see them so active, and vocal. I think, as a first time breeder, that I am a little overly cautious with the puppies, and worry more than most breeders would. What can I say, I love those little guys.
Roy has also become a much more attentive father over the last few days. He regularly walks into the enclosure with the puppies, and licks them, as though trying to help Rosie keep them clean. He also enjoys sleeping right outside of the cage when he naps, as though standing guard over his children. I love watching him interact with his puppies.

Roy appreciates the new pillow i got :)


  1. AWWWWWW I love seeing them grow!!!!

  2. Haha some of those pictures look like how Tommy sleeps! Especially the one with the leg through the bars--he does the same thing in his crib! These kids!

  3. Oh my heavens they're beautiful! I have always wanted one! Some day! :)

  4. I can't believe how quickly they grow. I wish I were near enough to snuggle them up.
