Yes the title is a little cheesy- but I couldn't help it. If you could see the puppies right now you would know exactly what I mean. They are becoming incredibly active, and moving faster every day. If I want Rosie to have a moments rest I have to close the door to their room or they will find her wherever she goes in the house.
When they aren't feeding the puppies have learned how to have fun. They love digging in mom and dad's food dish, swimming in the water dish, wrestling with each other, and seeing who can growl the fiercest. The growling contests are the most adorable thing in the world to witness. Usually both puppies will sit down facing each other and begin growling/howling until they both get to tired to continue, and take a nap. I should say that none of these activities last long before its nap time again.
A play time activity I didn't mention above is exploring. The puppies are mobile enough now that they can get just about anywhere, ground level, that they want. They have gotten behind couches, under dressers, and into shoes in their attempt to become masters of their domain. It is such a delight to be around these little creatures all day long. There is always something new to see, and something new to experience.
Hilarious! I love how they bump into one another, spar and then are broken up by the little puppy that stumbles along to mediate the conflict!