One lucky puppy got to experience the outside world for the first time. With eyes open, and trembling legs he did his best to climb over the small mounds of earth, and navigate through the relatively tall grass. He never made it very far, but it was obvious that he was curious about where he was. Of course his very overactive dad was coming over to check on him every minute or two which didn't help things. Roy tends to nudge the puppies a little to excitedly, which usually knocks them on their sides. His mother Rosie was more then happy to lay in the cool grass with her eyes on him, to make sure nothing happened. It was a lovely little family outing.
Now that the puppies are becoming better on their feet (though far from being steady) they are much more eager to explore. If the gate to their room isn't up they will readily venture into the kitchen, squeaking the whole time, as though to tell the whole house "Look at me!" Their legs my still wobble a little bit, but they will not be deterred from their exploring.
I know this post is short but enjoy the pictures taken by Derek Reinhardt.
Such a brave little fellow. How did he get to be the lucky one?